Hi everyone, today I want to talk to you about the desire I have to travel to the future. For a long time we have tried to recreate images of what the future would be like, we have seen it in movies, books, video games, etc, and almost always these images show us two possibilities of the future: one with high technology and perfect to live in and another totally apocalyptic, and perhaps these images are totally wrong, i would like to travel in these times to see if these predictions are real. I would like to travel to the future in the year 3000, I have seen images of what a person from this year would look like and they look quite deformed, with a crooked hand due to so much cell phone use and with a bent back, they are images that, although they have something funny, I'm curious to know if these predictions would be real. Imagining that humanity existed would perhaps be wrong, since it is also possible that other species live on earth, it could also happen that humanity lives on another planet, with other species and with a universal language, the possibilities are infinite and the mind humanity is limited to imagining only what we know. It is true that my mind is not prepared for these scenarios, but if the future is a good place, I would like to stay there to travel with new technologies and explore more of the universe, in a few seconds I could know so much about the unknown universe that this experience It would be enough to be able to die in peace.

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