
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023


 Hi everyone, today I want to talk to you about the desire I have to travel to the future. For a long time we have tried to recreate images of what the future would be like, we have seen it in movies, books, video games, etc, and almost always these images show us two possibilities of the future: one with high technology and perfect to live in and another totally apocalyptic, and perhaps these images are totally wrong, i would like to travel in these times to see if these predictions are real. I would like to travel to the future in the year 3000, I have seen images of what a person from this year would look like and they look quite deformed, with a crooked hand due to so much cell phone use and with a bent back, they are images that, although they have something funny, I'm curious to know if these predictions would be real. Imagining that humanity existed would perhaps be wrong, since it is also possible that other species live on earth, it could also happen that humanity lives on


I have never been sure what my dream job would be, since although I am studying visual arts and I would love to dedicate myself to just making a living from art, I also really like tattoos and being a tattoo artist could be one of my dream jobs. If I were to dedicate myself completely to art and live my dream of being a recognized artist, I would probably have to continue perfecting the disciplines that I like, painting and drawing. Living of this would be complicated since I would not have a fixed salary and I would have to paint a lot and sell at a not very high price. If I consider the option of being a tattoo artist, I clearly must learn to tattoo. I have an abandoned tattoo machine in my room and if I used it, perhaps I would already be a recognized tattoo artist. This option would perhaps be safer for my economic future, since in the future is probably that the new generations have a lot of tattoos and each  tattoo has a expensive price, is probably that this option be the best j


 Hello guys!!, today I'm here to talk to you about the best vacation I've ever had in my life. In February of this year I went to Pichilemu, which although it is not one of the most beautiful places I have visited (Chiloe was one of the most beautiful places I have visited) I really enjoyed my vacation in this place, accompanied by my girlfriend we visited all the beaches and corners near Pichilemu even traveling further from that place. For 3 weeks we dedicated ourselves to camping everywhere we found, we traveled in buses and buses. We went to fairs with games and to eat in various places, but without a doubt the best thing we did was a kayak ride, which was in a campsite that had a giant lagoon and many areas full of animals, which we explored every day we were there. They were a simple vacation, but I still consider them the best because of the unforgettable moments I enjoyed with my girlfriend's company, in addition to being able to travel without complicating our live