
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2023


When i was a child i wanted to be a vet because my dream was to help animals that are on the street or people who could not pay much for the care of their animals. When i grew up i realized that i did not like biology at all so i could not study anything related to that subject. When i was going to school, being a detective began to attract my attention, i wanted to dedicate myself to investigating homicides but it only lasted for a while because i realized that i really liked drawing most of my time. When i finished highschool i had no real decision for any major so i decided to take a gap year, my options were between architecture and visual arts because i was sure i wanted to dedicate myself to something related to drawing. Finally, i decided to study visual arts because it was what i really liked and if i chose another career i probably would never have been happy. Now, i have to say that i have a good experience during this 3 years of major, this major is my passion and i enjoyed


I am Tomas Navia Salgado was born in Santiago, Chile in 2001. When I was a child I lived in my grandmother´s house with my parents and my brother. My father works with computers, he has always liked technology and programming a lot and my mother is a nursing technician. I lived in my grandmother´s house until I was a approximately 9 years old and then my family moved to an apartment not far from my grandmother´s house located in Conchali, where I studied all my basic education. I did my secondary education in a school located in Santiago downtown, where I met many of my Friends and had a good experience. When I graduated from school, I didn´t know what to study, so I decide to think about for a year to be sure. I finally decided to study visual arts at the university of Chile.